Take a card on your hand. Be guided by your heart or pick at random. These creative cards are designed to bring you resourcefulness, mentoring, community & connection.
Each card suggests a creative exercise an essential oil & a crystal which aligns with the topic & the image.
My wish is that these cards act a gentle catalyst for you to explore places of evolution within you - unleashing and evolving to make you the super creative person that you are.
I believe that all humans are intrinsically creative yet sometimes we forget. By finding space to be creative, bringing the magic of the oils and earth connection of crystals. I want to gift you the life skills and thought- evoking, problem- solving properties that creativity brings.
Anna x
The cards are printed sustainably in the UK.
♥️A percentage of each card sale will go towards supporting a child’s education in Malawi through the charity LoveSupportUnite.
Creative Cards
These cards are intended to be a creative support but by no means are intended to replace professional specialist advice.